New Earth

It is the evening of December 4th 2022 at 11:13pm pst. The new earth is calling. The shift is upon us. Take this moment to close your eyes and say thank you to the core heart of the mother earth beneath your feet. Send her a simple thanks and love. This acknowledgment is huge for her at this time. This is how you can show up for her through this shift. She is going through a massive transformation through birth. We may feel something on the brink of taking place, yet we have no idea what this newness will appear or feel like, we only know that everything is about to change.
Birthing women need the quiet support of others thinking good thoughts and sending kind emotions and images her way. This is what our dear mother is calling out to us for. Do not fear because there is no cause for it. The tension is real but that is only natural at this time. You chose to be here at this time on this earth wherever you are currently located. Nothing is an accident of how you arrived here, to where you are. Trust the process and that you are playing an intricate role as a part of the whole.
Know that you are connected to all that is around you. You will understand this more and more as the energies increase inside and around you. This is not a time to fear, this is a time to relax and embrace the quickening you feel within. We are all feeling it. Some may be more conscious of feeling it than others but that does not make anyone any more or less than any other. We are here together as one and we are all connected to this earth.
This earth that we are a part of is going through a major shift and its arrival is almost upon us. This is not to fear, there is nothing to hold onto and there is nothing to resist. These thoughts beliefs and ideas can only get in the way of who we know ourselves to be. You came here at this time because you know who you are and you were sure that you would remember even if you experienced amnesia for a short time. This time is just a speck of dust in the large scheme of time in this universe.
You came here for a reason, trust that feeling and knowing even if it hasn't arrived in your conscious mind, yet. Your timing is perfect. There is no need to worry. You will always be at the right place at the right time. It can be easy. Source is simple.